Community Choice Demonstration

Community Choice Demonstration
For more information on the Demonstration please visit LaFHAC’s website.
LaFHAC’s Website
For more information about the national demonstration, visit HUD's website.
National Demonstration

The Community Choice Demonstration helps families with Housing Choice Vouchers find homes in Opportunity Areas in Orleans Parish. These are neighborhoods in various neighborhoods in Orleans Parish that have historically been difficult for families with vouchers to move into, either because they are outside of families’ price ranges, or because property owners are not very familiar with the voucher program. Many families with vouchers want to move into Opportunity Areas because they offer high- quality schools and other public amenities.

Families with vouchers from the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) can sign up to be selected for the program. To assist families in moving to Opportunity Areas, families receive pre- and post-move coaching. They also receive housing search assistance and financial assistance to help cover the security deposit and some other move-related expenses.

HANO has also taken steps to ensure the rental ceiling standard for homes in the Opportunity Areas are affordable for families and competitive for the property owners in the private rental market. Owners who rent to families receive financial incentives, including a lease-up bonus. Program staff work with families and property owners to facilitate good tenant-owner matches and positive relationships between them.

The HANO Community Choice Demonstration is a part of a national demonstration funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The demonstration studies the effect of additional services on families’ ability to move into Opportunity Areas. Families interested in receiving services must sign up for the study and will be randomly selected to receive services. HANO has partnered with the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center (LaFHAC) to provide these mobility related services.