How to List Your Property

Our HANO Housing Choice Connect program allows potential and participating HCVP Landlords to list available rental properties.

Once your property has been listed, you may be contacted by a prospective tenant. Important things to remember are you must complete the necessary documentation required by HANO HCV Program before your unit can be occupied by a HCVP tenant. HQS Inspections must be completed by McCright & Associates on behalf of HANO and pass inspection to conclude the HCVP occupancy process.

***** Voucher holders should not provide any payment, deposit, or personal information to a potential landlord prior to accepting the available unit. All voucher holders should confirm with HANO that the property is an approved HCVP unit before providing any payment, deposit, or personal information (such as social security number or bank account information).
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Technology Support Tech

If you have questions or nIf you need assistance with the Housing Choice Connect, please contact the Information Technology Support Tech.

Sam Brandon

Housing Choice Connect Video Tutorials

Additional Sites for Listing Your Property

Go Section 8

Gain access to the largest affordable housing listing network in the country!
Visit Go Section 8

LA Housing Search

Property providers can list apartments or homes for rent through this site.
Visit LA Housing Search