Welcome to the Housing Authority of New Orleans’ Procurement and Contracts Department.
The purpose of this section is to provide interested parties with a general introduction on how to do business with HANO and to provide information on upcoming procurement initiatives, such as Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) and Invitations to Bids (IFBs).
The primary mission of the Procurement and Contracts Department is to facilitate the agency’s mission of effectively providing quality safe, decent, and affordable housing to New Orleans’ citizens by creating and sustaining viable communities. The Department ensures that users obtain the appropriate quality commodities and services they require to successfully accomplish their respective missions, goals and objectives in the most timely manner at the most economical cost to the agency in compliance with all applicable regulations and ethical standards. Check here for current opportunities.
To accomplish our mission of providing quality affordable housing, it is imperative that the Housing Authority of New Orleans works with vendors and contractors that can deliver the highest quality of goods and services at the best value to HANO. Consequently, it is the policy and practice of the Procurement and Contracts Department to afford qualified vendors the maximum opportunity to participate in contracting opportunities with HANO. The result of our effort is the procurement of quality goods and services in a fair, open, competitive and respectful process for everyone involved.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (Section 3)
Vendor Registration
The Housing Authority of New Orleans is seeking to increase its competitive base of qualified vendors/contractors with the ability to provide a wide range of goods and services. Our vendor registration system is designed to maximize business opportunities and competition for the agency’s procurement activities. Vendors are not required to register in order to participate in procurement opportunities, but can complete the online submission form below to register as a vendor.
Please note that completing this registration form does not guarantee automatic notification of solicitations in your particular commodity.
View Our Policies & Guidelines
Agency Plans
Public Comment
Agency Ethics
HANO Fraud Hotline
HANOPD is responsible for addressing the hotline complaints received and will disseminate the complaints to the appropriate parties accordingly.
To enforce adherence to each department’s set of policies and procedures and ensure that the agency’s assets are properly safeguarded against fraud, thief, misuse and abuse; a confidential hotline (504) 670-3372 has been established to report any suspension of inappropriate behavior. Also, please feel free to report any suspected violations by completing the form below. Ethics complaints received are forwarded to and addressed by HANO’s legal department.
Online Incident/Fraud Report
You can also submit information anonymously using our online form.