Project-Based Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher Program's Project-Based Voucher Program subsidizes units in HANO-owned and privately owned properties throughout New Orleans. Tenants residing in Project-Based Voucher Units pay 30 percent of their income for rent and utilities. The balance of their housing costs is paid by the HANO. Tenants in Project-Based Voucher units are assisted as long as they live in the unit and continue to qualify for the program. To receive assistance for a PBV unit a family must first be on the PBV property’s waiting list. HANO manages each of the waiting lists. A family may only apply to be placed on PBV waiting lists if the waiting list is open. To apply for an open waiting list, please complete the PBV waiting list pre-application.

Please Note: If you are currently a PBV waiting list applicant and you need to make any changes to your contact information, log into your My Housing account to update your information.

Project-Based Voucher Waiting List
Project-Based Voucher Waiting List
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Tenant Housing Maintenance Issues
Public Housing Maintenance Issues
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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