Public Records Request Form

The Louisiana Constitution, Article XII, Sec. 3, provides that “no person shall be denied the right to observe the deliberations of public bodies and examine public documents, except in cases established by law.” The courts and the legislature of Louisiana have clearly established that the right of access to public records is not unlimited.

The Louisiana Public Records Law can be found at La. R.S. 44:1, et seq.

The legislative exceptions to the Public Records Law can be found at La. R.S. 44:4.1.

When requesting access to public records from the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), you must clearly specify whether you want to inspect the records, copy the records, reproduce the records, or obtain from the Custodian a reproduction of the records. The Custodian may collect a fee for making copies of public records (La. R.S. 44:32(C)(1)(a)).

HANO will make all reasonable effort to timely respond to requests for access to public records in accordance with the provisions of the Public Records Law. Notice will be provided in all instances where the public nature of the records is in question.


  • Paper: Copies @ $0.25 per page
  • Electronic: Base fee of $25 for records copied onto a compact disc.
  • Delivery: Additional delivery/postage fees may apply depending on form and/or bulk of delivery.
  • Additional Fees: Additional service fees may apply depending on the scope of the request.